
Thursday, 24 March 2016

How others see me? - Inquiry

How others see me?
You have decided to become part of a new social networking site for students called “Publish My Profile”.   Part of becoming a member requires you to create a profile for publishing.  Your Job is to Generate a list of describing words that would reflect how others see you or would describe you and how you see yourself.
C:\Users\User\Pictures\Microsoft Clip Organizer\j0425826.wmf                                 
How do others see me?    
How do I see Myself?
  • Talkative
  • Funny
  • Helpful
  • Friendly
  • Independent
  • Intelligent
  • Nice
  • Smart
  • Independent
  • Funny
  • Friendly
  • Talkative
  • Helpful
  • Intelligent

My Photo Story #2

Learn - To engage their families in the learning process by working at home to select photographs that represents aspects of our lives.

This is the rest of my photo story!

My Photo Story #1

Learn - To engage their families in the learning process by working at home to select photographs that represents aspects of their lives.

These photos are photos from this year and from my childhood.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Soul Friend Day

WRITING FOCUS: To write an explanation/description  of your Soul Friend.
- To use interesting words in your writing.
- To ensure your writing make sense. 
- To ensure you use punctuation correctly.

A Soul Friend is a friendship between 2 people, that are different ages. This is an Irish tradition and was introduced to St Pius X Catholic School by the Irish Holy Faith Sisters, many years ago.

This year, my Soul Friend is Audrey. She is 5 years old and is a year 0 student, in Room 1. She is very bright, intelligent and she loves to read. In St Pius X Catholic School, we have Soul Friends so we can get along with other students that are not quite the same age as we are.

Today is St Patrick's Day. Every 17th of March, we have a mass to celebrate our new Soul Friends and we made promises to take care of each other, to share and to play with them. We also received a prayer card, that was made by our Soul Friends. I will try my hardest to look after my Soul Friend and to be there when she needs me.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Maths - To solve Addition Problems

Learn: To solve Addition Problems

During this week, Mrs Tui sent us links of different Maths Sites. I decided to choose the site, Maths is Fun because, this site had a lot of addition and subtraction worksheets.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Venn Diagram - (Father Francis Douglas & Jesus)

Learn: To identify the difference between two different personalities.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Reading: To Discuss and Express Opinions

Learn: To Discuss and Express Opinions
Text - The Rules
Title: The Rules
Date: 9/03/16
The part I really enjoyed was, when Matiora had a chance to play his violin at the Orchestra Concert. I also liked the part in the story when, one of the shoppers gave a twenty dollar note to Matiora.
I was feeling a bit worried, when Sefa suddenly took off with Matiora’s violin.
I wonder if Sefa apologized to Matiora for taking his violin?

During this week, the learn that I think that I improved in was discussing and expressing my opinions. This learn helped me to think deeper into the text. 

Friday, 4 March 2016

School Journal - Sports Day

  1. QUESTION: I wonder? What if? Why? How? -
I wonder if Grace made new friends, after she caught the ball.
What if Emily, didn't get stung by a bee?
Why did Emily call Grace an idiot?
How did Grace manage to catch the ball?

2.VISUALIZE: Images I see... The scene I can picture the clearest is... - See more at:
Answer: The image that I can see clearly in my head is, Grace being worried about Sports Day.

3. INFER: I think the author wants me to know... The author didn't actually say.... but I think... Things seem... - See more at:
Answer: The author is trying to tell us, that even if other kids try to put you down, you should always keep trying.

4.  CONNECT: This part reminds me of... My life... The world... Other texts... - See more at:
Answer: The part when Grace was worried about Sports Day and had to make excuses to stay away from school, reminded me of having Cross Country, and I made up excuses to not run.

5.  FEEL: Which parts did you have an emotional connection to? How did YOU feel when you read this part? - See more at:
Answer: The part that I especially had an emotional connection to was, when Grace’s classmates always picked on her, for not playing properly.

6.  EVALUATE: Was this good? Why? Why not? What would make it better?  
Answer: I think Sports Day, was a very interesting story, because I related to it a lot. I think if the author carried on the story, to tell us what happened after Grace caught the ball, it would make it much better.

Narrative - Caught in a Storm

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 6.22.17 am.png

Learn: I can write a narrative story, using the right structure.

Patches of Grey clouds painted along the sky, our scarfs flying from side to side, like trapped birds.

The  Galileans & I, paddled as fast as we could to reach the Wall of Prayers. We were planning to go there several times, and never had the opportunity to do it.   THUD! THUD! we all panicked, the waves were getting bigger and our boat was rocking from side to side, A storm was heading our way. “Paddle faster”, I yelled, as if we were having a race with the waves.

“Are we near”, a men spoke. “Not even close”, a unknown man exclaimed. I gave that unknown man a vexatious face, and carried on paddling. While we were struggling to move the boat, a blinding light shone, onto our faces, like we in a football game. “What is that”, I said, while putting on a frightened face. “I am here to help you”, the bright light spoke.

The bright light, was fading and we could finally saw his face. Hair long enough to touch it’s shoulders, yellow scarf. We couldn’t believe our eyes. “It’s Jesus”, we shouted.  Mouths dripping with amazement.  
“Be calm, it is I,” said Jesus.   I will take you, to the Wall of Prayers.
Jesus ordered the wind and the sea was calm.

An hour passed, and we finally reached our destination “Thank You, Jesus", we all spoke at once".